Dr. Ellen's Way

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September 2022 Newsletter

The Ellen Cutler Method (ECM)

Hello, this is Dr. Ellen. In this month’s ‘Real Common Sense’ newsletter, I want to convey my message a little differently than in other issues. I decided to make a video presentation about the Ellen Cutler Method (ECM). During my years of practice, using ECM has allowed me to achieve the best and most satisfying outcomes for my patients, their family, and friends, and for myself. I want to share this video with you and encourage you to share this with others.

By the way, if you didn’t get a chance to see my previous newsletters, you can find them on my new website, www.drellencutler.com.

The ECM Advantage

One of the strengths of ECM is that it helps determine the best interventions to use for each individual. Perhaps even more importantly, ECM identifies underlying issues that are causing or perpetuating the patient’s complaints and allows them to be dealt with directly. Without ECM, these unsuspected factors often go unrecognized and therefore unaddressed. There can be many seemingly unrelated allergens/reactants to which the person is sensitive. These can be past or ongoing exposures to substances, circumstances, or relationships. Desensitization can then diminish or completely reverse these sensitivities.

Over my years of practice, I have seen amazing turnarounds in many patients. Oftentimes, issues that were not the primary reason for the patient seeing me improve or completely resolve. This usually results in a very pleasant surprise for them. This in turn has oftentimes resulted in an improvement at home or work, sometimes so significant that they and others around them can hardly believe it, except for the fact that they are experiencing it for themselves.

So, be well, be healthy, and remember…

“What we’re experiencing is what we’re focusing on while unlimited possibilities are appearing and disappearing all around us.”
― Jeanne McElvaney

Dr. Ellen


  1. https://drellencutler.com/  
  2. Dr. Ellen’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhsNQdhHg8g&list=UUict2H4cD0XXA0gZRzumVlQ&index=1

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