Dr. Ellen's Way

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Physical Fitness

Dr. Ellen always stresses the importance of physical fitness through activities and exercising. There is no doubt that the use of the physical body, and particularly exercising on a regular basis, is of great importance in terms of overall health. Countless studies remind us of this. As examples, endurance exercise training has very positive effects on cardiorespiratory fitness and improved health outcomes in general…

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Plant-Based Nutrition

studying nutrition and diet. She found that the dietary approach most supported by scientific research for positive health benefits is a vegetarian/vegan diet. The scientific literature has repeatedly documented the many benefits of eating whole plant foods.[1,2] For example, a study of over 60,000 participants found significant difference between vegans and nonvegetarians…

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March 2022 Newsletter

A Weighty Subject – Part 2 Hello, this is Dr. Ellen. Last month, the ‘Real Common Sense’ newsletter  contained the first part on the topic of weight loss. I covered some of the  health problems arising from excess body fat and began addressing some of  the components of a comprehensive program to achieve healthy weight … Continue reading March 2022 Newsletter

February 2022 Newsletter

A Weighty Subject – Part 1 Hello, this is Dr. Ellen. As we enter the second month of 2022, I am very pleased to hear how  well my first newsletter was received. That newsletter gave an overview of the immune system  and ways to optimize its function. If you missed January’s newsletter or would like… Continue reading February 2022 Newsletter

Miracles of Enzymes

Human existence is a marvel- so complex, yet so efficient, orderly, and dynamic. Driving all of it is a collection of proteins collectively knowns as enzymes. In fact, many of these reactions would never take place without enzymes as catalysts. Enzymes are essential to life. Researchers have identified more than 3,000 types of enzymes in the human body, with each one performing a unique function…

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January 2022 Newsletter

Hello, this is Dr. Ellen. As the new year begins, I am very excited to let everyone know about launching my new revised website, www.drellencutler.com. After my years in practice, I have discovered many wonderfully effective ways in which people can maximize their health, beauty, and wellness. Now, I am looking forward to sharing these discoveries… Continue reading January 2022 Newsletter